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Florist Store | Florist Designer Printing Material and Solution

Florist Store Business Cards
Florist Store Business Cards
Price Start from $On Sale!
Florist Store Tear Off Business Cards
Florist Store Tear Off Business Cards
Price Start from $On Sale!
Florist Store Poster
Florist Store Poster
Price Start from $On Sale!
Florist Store Window Decal
Florist Store Window Decal
Price Start from $On Sale!
Florist Store Flyer Printing
Florist Store Flyer Printing
Price Start from $On Sale!
Florist Store Yard Sign
Florist Store Yard Sign
Price Start from $On Sale!
Florist Store Loyalty Card
Florist Store Loyalty Card
Price Start from $On Sale!
Florist Store Letterhead Printing
Florist Store Letterhead Printing
Price Start from $On Sale!

Our 20pt Clear Plastic Business Card Printing for your Florist Store has an attractive, elegant and modern way to impress your clients with a professional touch. This Clear Plastic Business Card will speak for yourself and for your Florist Store Business. One of our great and easy outdoor advertising materials is the 36’’x24’’ Signicade Plastic Deluxe A Frame Sign. This sidewalk displays are great strategy to attract potential customers to your Florist Store. This Printing Product is very simple and easy to use and there are not screws, fasteners or Velcro to worry about.

Accepted Files:
Vector-based file(.PS, .EPS, or PDF - Recommended)
Vector-based Adobe Illustrator (.AI) or Photoshop (.PSD) with the pdf option enabled
Vector-based files are required for all exact die-cut products

Raster .PNG with transparent background
.JPG, .TIF, .GIF, .BMP, .DOCX/DOC (Word), .PUB, .XPS
File Size:
Files should be no greater than 350MB in size.
All files should be designed to the final trim size plus 0.25” bleed on each side. Do not use any crop or printer’s marks – they will increase the dimensions of your design file.
We recommend all files be submitted in CMYK format. Files submitted in RGB will be converted to CMYK before printing – this may result in minor color shifting.
Choose your Product.

To get started, select the product that best fits your needs. Not sure what’s right for you? We can help! Call us at 1.888.681.4947.
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That’s it! Ordering from Printing Xpert is quick and easy. Our standard production time is 3-4 business days.
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The 8.5x14 Full Color double sides Brochure Printing is a great option to have all type of complete information about your Florist Store and what this one has to offer for every occasion. Our Perforated Window Decal Printing with stunning graphics and made by custom sizes give transparent vision from one side and prevents visibility from the other side. This Window Decal Printing is one of the priority Printing Products that will help you promote your Florist Store and catch people attention right from your store windows. Another way to get new customers is by getting our Vehicle Wrap Printing which will catch everyone attention where ever you go making flowers deliveries. You need to add basic information as the logo, name, phone number and website of your Florist Store so when people see it, is easy and fast for people to get the information.