A personalized notepad is a great little advertising device. It is like a small practical billboard on your desk. Everyone appreciates a small, useful pad of paper. For an insurance company or an accounting office, extracting the detailed agenda for the day and keeping them organized with with our 5.5x8.5" notepads printing for insurance company or 5.5x8.5" notepads printing for accounting office, and keep the important minutes of the meeting on them.
Your company name and logo gets attention every time it's used and one of those notes is passed along. Our envelope printing offers customized designs to show off your company name and logo. The business notepad is referred to almost daily, kept for 30 days or so and carries a high remembrance factor. Whether it's personal or professional, notepads will look great and capture your thoughts for the future. If you're at home, custom memo pads are perfect for keeping personal lists, chores and phone numbers in order. Make a list on your personalized note pads with or 4.25x5.5" memo pads printing for to-do list for additional, fun errand at the end to make your tasks breeze by. If your working for a dentistry, use our 5.5x8.5" notepads printing for medical office to write down important phone or appointments with the patients or clients. With your unique designed note pads, they'll always remember that you gave them the number.
A personalized notepad is a great little advertising device. It is like a small practical billboard on your desk. Everyone appreciates a small, useful pad of paper. For an insurance company or an accounting office, extracting the detailed agenda for the day and keeping them organized with with our 5.5x8.5" notepads printing for insurance company or 5.5x8.5" notepads printing for accounting office, and keep the important minutes of the meeting on them.
Your company name and logo gets attention every time it's used and one of those notes is passed along. Our envelope printing offers customized designs to show off your company name and logo. The business notepad is referred to almost daily, kept for 30 days or so and carries a high remembrance factor. Whether it's personal or professional, notepads will look great and capture your thoughts for the future. If you're at home, custom memo pads are perfect for keeping personal lists, chores and phone numbers in order. Make a list on your personalized note pads with or 4.25x5.5" memo pads printing for to-do list for additional, fun errand at the end to make your tasks breeze by. If your working for a dentistry, use our 5.5x8.5" notepads printing for medical office to write down important phone or appointments with the patients or clients. With your unique designed note pads, they'll always remember that you gave them the number.
4/0 - Front Full Color - Blank on Back
The front is printed in the 4 color process, as in 4/4 printing but the back remains blank with no color.
70 lb Uncoated Text Paper
70 lb text paper is uncoated and provides an excellent base for easy to read typography.
4/0 - Front Full Color - Blank on Back
The front is printed in the 4 color process, as in 4/4 printing but the back remains blank with no color.
70 lb Uncoated Text Paper
70 lb text paper is uncoated and provides an excellent base for easy to read typography.
Keep the Design Simple
The key to printing custom notepads is restraint. Make them stand out but keep them simple. Provide your company name and logo at the top, phone number, address and website underneath; that's it. Notepads are a great prompt or reminder of YOUR company, and possibly just enough to stop a fickle customer from forgetting you, even for a moment.
Don't clutter it up or use up too much of that useful space with catch phrases, designs and borders. It is, after all a notepad, but that prime real estate at the top is for your business information.
Layout Options:
Laying out and printing a notepad or memo pad is very straightfoward. Decide on an attractive size, how many pages per pad the total number of pads you want, how much space at the top of the page your information will cover, whether to use color or black ink only, and the type of writing paper. Common notepad sizes are 4.25 x 5.5, 4x6, 3.5x8.5, 5x7, 5.5x8.5, and up to 8.5x11. Pages per pad range from 25 to 100 or more and some like to add distinctive details such as rounded corners. Choose easy-to read fonts that are "sans serif" such as impact, Arial, Myraid or Verdana, and use white paper. It is usually more cost effective, and shows off any kind of pen, pencil or marker.
Part of a Total Branding Package
Notepads can be a stand-alone free perk for your clients, or part of a total branding package. This will likely include your business card, brochure, catalog and folder and other marketing collateral. And many times the only thing that doesn't go into the trash are the business card and - you guessed it - the notepad. Custom notepads or scratch pads are a functional giveaway your clients will use on a daily basis, and the benefit is the reminder it provides for them to keep you in mind each time their pen hits the paper.
Notepad printing creates a marketing tool that is used over and over again.
Hand out printed notepads at your next meeting, tradeshow or special event, and make them part of your corporate identity package. Include your logo, contact information and perhaps a tagline or an inspirational message that captures your mission. With every printed page you have an opportunity to stay top of mind and reinforce your brand, as clients and prospects use your notepad to jot down phone messages or make notes.
Keep the Design Simple
The key to printing custom notepads is restraint. Make them stand out but keep them simple. Provide your company name and logo at the top, phone number, address and website underneath; that's it. Notepads are a great prompt or reminder of YOUR company, and possibly just enough to stop a fickle customer from forgetting you, even for a moment.
Don't clutter it up or use up too much of that useful space with catch phrases, designs and borders. It is, after all a notepad, but that prime real estate at the top is for your business information.
Layout Options:
Laying out and printing a notepad or memo pad is very straightfoward. Decide on an attractive size, how many pages per pad the total number of pads you want, how much space at the top of the page your information will cover, whether to use color or black ink only, and the type of writing paper. Common notepad sizes are 4.25 x 5.5, 4x6, 3.5x8.5, 5x7, 5.5x8.5, and up to 8.5x11. Pages per pad range from 25 to 100 or more and some like to add distinctive details such as rounded corners. Choose easy-to read fonts that are "sans serif" such as impact, Arial, Myraid or Verdana, and use white paper. It is usually more cost effective, and shows off any kind of pen, pencil or marker.
Part of a Total Branding Package
Notepads can be a stand-alone free perk for your clients, or part of a total branding package. This will likely include your business card, brochure, catalog and folder and other marketing collateral. And many times the only thing that doesn't go into the trash are the business card and - you guessed it - the notepad. Custom notepads or scratch pads are a functional giveaway your clients will use on a daily basis, and the benefit is the reminder it provides for them to keep you in mind each time their pen hits the paper.
Notepad printing creates a marketing tool that is used over and over again.
Hand out printed notepads at your next meeting, tradeshow or special event, and make them part of your corporate identity package. Include your logo, contact information and perhaps a tagline or an inspirational message that captures your mission. With every printed page you have an opportunity to stay top of mind and reinforce your brand, as clients and prospects use your notepad to jot down phone messages or make notes.
"My notepads made an excellent gift for the holiday season"
-Ms. Fieldman
"My notepads made an excellent gift for the holiday season"
-Ms. Fieldman